Electric Bushcaddy
An ambitious project unique in the world !
Québec Aéronature has decided to develop the world's first light electric seaplane. A crazy project you will tell us? Yes, indeed, but an essential and indispensable project for the future of light aviation. Indeed, the engines used on our planes are largely of a very old design, they consume a lot of gasoline, and moreover generate significant noise pollution.
We are therefore working to develop this first light electric seaplane in the world, not because it is easy, but precisely because the task will be difficult. In fact, unlike the vast majority of light electric planes which already fly around the world, and which are for the most part carbon airplanes with very advanced fineness, we propose to develop an electric motor integration solution that can be adapted to all current airplanes, without the airplane itself being profoundly modified.
The task is all the more difficult as we have decided to develop this electric solution on a seaplane, which is already at the base an airplane "handicapped" in terms of weight and performance because of its floats.
Yes, but here it is, we are like that at Québec Aéronature, the greater the challenge, the more we want to take it up!
You can support the project here .
Stay tuned to follow the developments of this great project!

That’s how we are at Québec Aéronature, the bigger the challenge, the more we want to take it on!