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The basic training for obtaining the seaplane endorsement includes 7 hours of flight, including a solo flight including 5 landings and 5 take-offs, as required by Transport Canada regulations.

QUÉBEC AÉRONATURE offers several formulas to meet  to your expectations and needs.

seaplane quebec

Formula A (La Classique, nearby)


You do your training from Saint-Mathias (CSP5).
This formula allows you to schedule your flights and spread them out according to your schedule. Whether you live in the greater Montreal area, or whether you are passing through there during a trip, the geographic proximity of Saint-Mathias is an important asset for the smooth running of your training.
The playground extends from the Chambly basin to the Sorel Islands, but nothing prevents either going to soak the floats on the lakes of southern Mauricie or Lanaudière.
Do you need accommodation near Saint-Mathias for the duration of your training? Contact us , we have solutions for you!
Note that training from St-Mathias generally takes place on pa18-95.

Formula A 
All Prices are at this page

- Theoretical courses and briefings.

- 7 hours of flight training.
- Administrative costs


Location: South shore of Montreal (Departure CSP5)



Formula B  (The Adventurer, tailor-made)


QUÉBEC AÉRONATURE offers you  a tailor-made training / travel program, according to your desires and your budget. You take off from Saint-Mathias for your first flight, then you head north, taking advantage of the lakes and rivers on your way to perform the training exercises.
So live the experience of a bivouac on the edge of a lake in the heart of the Quebec bush, followed by a night in a refuge set up at Amisk Aventure, or even the day after an evening in a chalet at the flamboyant Ti -Red on the shores of Lake Dandurand near Parent! It is neither more nor less than the authenticity of Quebec that we invite you to discover or rediscover throughout your training.

Formula B
Contact us for a tailor-made package



- Theoretical courses and briefings.

- 7 hours of flight training + hours of travel flight.
- Nights in refuge, inn, beach, bivouac, hotel ...

- Other activities (kayaking, fishing, hiking, dining, ...)


Location: According to your desires!


Period : At all times during the seaplane season

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